Sunday, April 26, 2009

Its too late…sometimes

Many people don’t get it…sometimes saying sorry is just not enough…not everything can be revert back with sorry and apologies…

Ever heard of spilled milk? once is spilled there is nothing can be done…sorry wont help…the only thing is clean it up…

Be quick to listen, slow to speak…one of the golden rules to have a better life…by biting your tongue, you will be less to hurt people and thus reducing yourself to say sorry which sometimes is not the magic word to settle the matter…

So why take the chances when you can avoid everything just be slow to speak…think twice before anything come out of your mouth, be it words or saliva…lol! before is too late…

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Gmail…I salute you!!

This post is meant for those people behind google…you have out-done yourself…especially gmail…all that is free but you never gave it half-heartedly…


This is the background behind the email…i just LOVE the theme…especially this one…although there are more to try out but i am very satisfied with this…is not just this pic…everyday i see new background….as if i am seeing my email through the Hubble Telescope…as it rotate, i can see whatever is in my sight in space…through its lens

Again…good job and well done!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Rain…why art thou forsaken us?

Oh my…is it hot here or is it just me? A familiar phrase to praise oneself, this time is really hot hOT HOT!!!

It hasn’t been raining…and even few scatter of raindrops couldn't  reduce this intense heat we are feeling now…

I guess hot season is sweeping the area or it is just  mother nature showing her regrets on us…we abuse her when she is young, we ignore her when she is crying, and now when she ignore us, we are dying…

If only life were so simple that we can roam freely around nature, feeling the gentle breeze caressing our face, gently brushing our hair, gives us the warmth from the sun and the panoramic scenes, instead of hiding inside man-made walls.

As the weather gets hotter, we reduce the temperature of air-conditioning to create a comfortable environment…if he have one…if not fan will do to create artificial wind…and i dare say non of that can compete with nature…even on a hot day, sitting or standing under a tree can actually significantly reduce the ‘hot-ness’…and its FREE!!!

Sadly…the world cant see that…and we have to pay the price…the expensive one just to benefit a few…but sacrifice the many…THATS LIFE!! LIVE WITH IT!!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009



i have lost track of my last post…guess hectic coupled with mundane life causes me to be lazy…even to post a blog.

Recently…actually, very much recent, something had happen…although that person claim to accidentally blurted it out…which i am doubtful ( >.< ) cause it was typed out…it gave me this motivation to write about something i should have written long time ago in Bethlehem…

As the title writes BGR, i don't know whether it is used widely, i first heard it in my hometown…which basically stands for boy-girl relationship

I have seen people get together, broke up, and patched things up…only to be broken again…which got me to think is that why the same cycle? To me, if you broke up with someone, it was suppose not to be patched…or maybe one last chance and that’s it…

The other situation is couple with this person, breaks and then next…was like auditioning for something…maybe in search for Mr. Right..

So my question to you is that what is this relationship to you? To promote that you actually have someone? Or being challenge or motivated to have one for the sake of having one?  Or being desperate?

Sadly, that’s what most people think…and i read a book title “Boy Meets Girl” or something like that (sorry), it clearly define the meaning of dating and courtship…which one are you?

To have a relationship with an opposite gender marks the era of your life that you want to be committed and true to something…that is your relationship with that special person…the special person…and is not like oh man…i like that guy…i’m gonna date him…and then resulted in…ah….he’s not the one…

Why we go and have a relationship blindly? Is it that difficult to actually work your way up towards having a relationship? And the most important thing is that what is your motive(s)? Goals in the relationship? The books says that courtship is a process for you to get to know that person before marriage…meaning that one time dating is enough…you don’t hurt yourself, you don’t hurt other people in the process..

My advice is that, prepare yourself first before jumping into the water…again, life is not predictable so anything can happen…as long as you are prepared, and you can swim, you can get out of the water safely…Love with knowledge and make sure he is your Mr Right, not Mr Right Now…

Best of luck!