Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy 'Niu' Year

This year belong to those who are born in the year of the Ox according to the Lunar Calendar...many good fortunes and prosperity and good health will be fallen to those born in this year...

Another year had past...so what is your new year resolution? I read one statement... a resolution is something you keep for only one year...throw it away when next year arrived and have a new one...lol

This time i have the chance to see fireworks from my house compound...same old same old as every year...the only different is that this time im going to write about it...well...

To begin with...of course i was waiting for the clock to strike midnight but i guess there were those itchy hands that cannot wait and have a blast...and a chain reaction occurs...what the heck...they start first...might as well we go for it too...that might be what those ppl were thinking when the first blast was heard...

If not mistaken the first fireworks were lit 10 minutes before midnight and there goes the neighbourhood...it was like a competition...see who can make the loudest and most spectacular fireworks...one after the other...those enthusiasts even after warning from the police about illegal blasting...the warning cannot suppress the Chinese custom that had been past from generation to generation...dating back to the Chinese Dynasties...

As the time past...almost midnight...night turned to day...with the spectacular fireworks blasting in the sky...emitting various colours lighting up the night sky as a symbol to scare of ghosts and evil spirit away from their house...bright shinning colours were seen through out the sky...

The view was magnificient...with the 'bom bom bom' and the 'piu piu piu' sound made by the fireworks...i enjoyed every second of it...although it was a shame that the alley im in the enthusiast is no longer around...so i cannot have the chance to watch those children play with those crackers and 'bunga api'...

Surprisingly...even after 30 minutes...it was still on going...but of course it slowed down...but my alley stopped...guess they run out of ammo...so i went back inside...prepare myself to sleep to regain strength for the first day of Chinese New Year...and the last firecracker was heard around 12.40 midnight...adding to the 10 minutes...the whole event lasted whopping 50 minutes !! My cousin claimed that that night it will last one hour but i guess it wasnt that far-fetched his claims...

It was interesting and exciting to watch fireworks...how chemist turn normal reaction to entertainment...it was impressive...i never got the chance to light those that shoot up the skies...maybe one day i hope...but still...even though it was nice to see it...perhaps it was even better when you are the one doing it? Only time will tell...

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to those who are celebrating and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to the others...

Teddy Hoe @ GiLaMonSTeR

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Chinese And its Superstition Part 1

When we ask about Chinese custom...what comes to our mind will be Chinese Superstition or other words will be 'Pantang'

First and foremost, these superstitions may not be totally Chinese's just because i heard it from my mother or father...haha so bear in mind...as CNY is just around the corner, when i think about Chinese custom, well, pantang here and there...so as the celebration is near, it drives me to write something about it...

Part 1 means the first superstition i heard...is about sneezing...i am writing it now because i am sneezing myself...haha

One sneeze means you are cursed...or to put it a better way, someone is talking behind your back...mostly related to something bad...saying bad things about you for instance...

Two sneezes means someone is missing you...somewhere out there she or he is thinking about you...talking in her dreams, day-dreaming about you...so on and so forth

Bear in mind that this 'sneeze' is not because you are having a flu or been in a dirty and dusty room...if these sneezes come out of the blue...then 'faham-faham-lah'

And if you had 3 sneezes...maybe is a combination of a curse and a miss...if four...be prepare for a flu...haha dont dream of being missed two times...IN YOUR DREAM!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Scar Between the Nose and The Chin

Do you ever wonder what that scar between your nose and your chin? That scar is very different from other scars on your body...it seldom bleed when it is open...and mind you...can open at your own will!!

What is the function of one's mouth? The starting point where food is to be ingested...besides nose, a pathway for breathing, teeth sitting inside for chewing, tongue..err you use your imagination la...hahaha

All of the above are related to eating and breathing...we need them very much to stay alive...without them..we might as well be pronounce dead!!

Enough about eating and breathing...this is not my purpose...is about the wonders you can do with your mouth...and one of them is SMILING!!

Is it that hard to smile? Just a small curve at the end of both lips is sufficient...even a straight line shows something...an effort to smile brings a lot of different to the situation...unspoken message conveyed clearly with a smile...

The purpose of me writing this post has left my thoughts...AH-HA but still just one to let you all know that pls do smile once in awhile...not all the time 24/7 or else you will labeled as crazy person.

Seriously is it that hard to smile? Most of our life we encounter ppl...from offices to coffee shops, we are either served or serving ppl...both parties play a significant role to make the communication more pleasant...and the most efficient way is to smile...

For instance...someone you know is down...you come up to him...pat his shoulder and say "Dont worry about it...you can make it through"
And you do the same thing and you add a smile at the end...see the significant difference it will make to your friend...the second situation...with a smile it gives hope to your friend...seeing that you smile makes him less down...and seeing someone who actually understand his situation and not left alone

The most annoying thing is that you try your best to smile but you only get a sour face in return...most smile will get a smile in return...but dont fret yourself...you did your part...dont let the sour face turn you down...at least you smiled to him...not getting a smile should not be a reason for you not to smile to the next person you see...

Always apply the golden rule "Do to others what you want others do unto you" Make your day pleasant and spread the love and hope to others...this way wont we make the world a bit happy?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fighting the Addiction

How is it that ppl cant seem to stop smoking? We curse them as we sit at the coffee shop as they sat there beside us puffing his lungs out for the sake of fashion? Or perhaps for those older the so called senior citizen a habit?

They know...i think...that smoking is bad. Not only to themselves but those around them. They have been told the consequences of smoking, how it will kill you...but still ppl smoke and and also increase in number...so why?

We are human...born with the gift to reason and think...we know what we are doing but still why do we do such thing? This addiction does not only apply to smoking only...it can be anything...stealing, gambling, this and that...even scolding bad words may turn out to be a habit that we cant seem to kick out of our system...

Ask them face to face...what are the consequences of the habit...they know!! I KNOW!! but nevertheless...no matter how much effort i put...i cant seem to stop myself with my self determination...so even i dont smoke...i know what it means by to stop an addiction one needs strong will and determination.

Addiction can be symbolize as drinking slurpee...or anything cold...the first sip is cold...but as you increase your frequency of sipping, you might end up getting a brainfreeze...and then here comes the pain...and tingling yet painful sensation you feel between your eyes and somewhere near the forehead...depending the person...so okay...you know the consequences...yet we still drink it...so the addiction situation is somehow similar to it...we know what will happen but we still do it due to some factors...

This post is not to teach you to fight it but just to remind you of your bad habits @ addiction...try your best to fight it if it is bad for you...ask friends or family to help get rid of it...it will help if there are someone encouraging you and help you suppress the addiction effect...if left untreated, it will consume you inside and outside... trust me...i know...cos i am an addict too!!! HELP ME!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Did Something Bad

Just now after having my supper with friends of mine...we did something bad...was funny but still not something to practice...

I wont say what is it or else this might be used against me as prove of my misbehave and even prosecute me...so to keep it a safe side i wont mention anything about it...just to remind myself and my friends what we have done

One thing i can say...i just prove my theory to them on local cars...and i have an advice to you who own malaysia's car...

ALWAYS LOCK YOUR CAR WITH CONTROL NOT KEYS!! -guess it was obvious after what i just said-

PS: No car was harm in the process!

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Prison Life

Cant believe it after all the hardship i have been through...to think that coming here to further my tertiary education only to shatter my hopes and dreams...

Uni life...we..err...i am showered with scenario of what campus life would be...strolling at the park during the afternoon under the shady tree...'picnicking' under the tree with friends while discussing about homework and stuff...having cool classrooms...more like lecture halls...looking 'down' on the lecturer while he talk nonsense and non-stop in front the board...while ppl around are sleeping or doing something...stuff like that...ahh...i can dream cant i?

Guess what...sorry lah...as the malaysian say...is all to good to be true...yes...there will be lecturers and yes...trees all around but none of what i mention was true...welcome to malaysian university....MIND YOU THIS ONLY APPLY TO MY UNI!!!

Rules and regulation is part and parcel of life...there is no such thing as no rule...then chaos will reign...but the rules and regulation here is just too much...i thougth that by coming here i can run from the secondary system and their rules...such as uniform, appearance and stuff like that...and to think to go 'overseas' into a new world and environment meeting new friends from all over malaysia...only to relive the same system? De Javu all over again...i was informed that colleges and uni should be less strict in this part...but to have long hair...err...stylish hair, fingernails stuff like that also get fined...i was speechless...

The only different from secondary is that the prefect is changed with guards...full grown man...and demerit system change to fines...they think we carry pot of gold? Fine us for no special reason...even matrix card not present on yourself...you are fine...what logic is that? you dont hang your ID card on your body and the police gives you fine for not obeying...do they?

Well...we live in a multi-racial country...but minority is still a minority...we dont have much say...if you know what i mean...to live in harmony we have to sacrifice even sometimes it hurts to do so...what to do? LIVE GOES ON!™ Studies, food, culture, and others even we are of all races and religion...we have to stick to one...and by saying so you know what i mean...i wont go furthur from here...

This post is not to bad-mouthed the uni and the system...just for me to lament and to enlighten those around me and ppl who read this about the things i am going through right now...i guess all those uni life only happen outside this country as the uni and the system is being chained by the laws of malaysia...so is not the uni's fault either...

Rules and regulation like i say is part and parcel of life...to take that away means chaos and destruction...so i wont say it rules to have no rules...but some are just pure nonsense...only to burden us...the ppl involve should really reconsider them...

In life we are normally taught not to only look at the bad side but also the benefit gain from what you encounter...one of them is the midnight rule...where everyone must be in campus before midnight or possibly receive 'love letter' from the uni...yes...it sux to have a curfew after we are now consider adults...young adults but the good side to it is that to me that is...if there is any activity outside campus...and i am tired or not enjoying it...i will always have a reason to 'leave' because of midnight...just like Cinderella...

I have more to say but it will take ages to write everything down...from the things i hate about the rules to the one i like...if there is even one...but i just want to say that is not all fun and party in uni life...inside campus anyway...but when you are outside and mix with that 'kind' of friends...your life will never be the same...haha...this 4 years is the time you do something big for yourself...after that you are ******

Thursday, January 8, 2009

To Be a Better Person

1. Listen

The ability to really listen to another is a cornerstone of good friendship. It helps you to understand your friend and his/her feelings, as well as shows that you really care. Don't you feel good when you have someone to whom you can say it all when you are having hard time in your life? Well, do the same for the one you consider your friend.

2. Be honest

A huge blessing in having a good friend is in his/her ability to notice things you can't, or don't want to see, but which must be dealt with in order to solve problems. It is important to do it in a supportive and gentle way, so it would be received well. It might be the pain of something that happened in the past and a person is held back by it because he/she never dealt with it. Sometimes is just to hard to face pain alone, so be a friend who would point such things out and face it with the friend you care very much about. You might also notice when he/she has a negative, false belief about self, then point that out and contribute to the improvement of his/her self-esteem.

3.Spend quality time with your friend

No relationship can be satisfying without quality time spend together. Make time for your friend, schedule get togethers. Don't you fell good when someone invites you out for coffee, movie, or for family dinner at his/her home? Then initiate such occasions to meet, don't always wait for the other person to do that.

4. Be faithful and trustworthy

Unfaithfulness destroys many friendships, you might be surprised that I used this term in the context of friendship. But wouldn't you feel betrayed if someone whom you considered a friend started to share your personal matters with other people? For sure you would, and so would I. You expect from a friend to be faithful in keeping your secrets to himself/herself and never to use what they know about you against you. You also wouldn't want him/her to take advantage of you in any way in the name of friendship, so make it your own policy to keep other's secrets, never use their weaknesses against them during possible conflict, or abuse their willingness to help.

5. Be forgiving

There is not even one person in the world who is perfect. You know your own shortcomings, so don't expect perfection from others. I'm not saying that you should always accept a wrong doing on your friend's part, but you shouldn't make to big of a deal out of their less destructive flaws. Tell them when you didn't like something and be always ready to make up afterward. Don't hold grudges in your heart. It will help your friend to be long-suffering with you as well.

6. Admit your faults

In every friendship there will be conflict sooner or later. When it comes, often the wrong is on both sides. Ask yourself whether you did anything wrong to contribute to this, it didn't have to be anything that you said, or did on purpose. Admit your wrongs instead of just pointing out the wrongs of another person involved. This will help you both to keep the line of communication open and strengthen your friendship.

To sum it up, the best way to maintain friendship is to keep the golden rule, "Do to others, as you would like them do to you."

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Kiss Of The Violin

Have you ever wish you could play piano like Jay Chow? Violin like Vanessa Mae? Guitar like Eric Clapton?

Those who can play musical instruments are both talented and lucky...not everyone can have the luxury to enjoy and learn music...music is a very very expensive investment...many ppl can learn music...but not many are successful in that field...

Musician are just like any other person...like you and me...they can be among us without us realizing it...you will never know the person sitting beside you are a good singer, pianist without first he or she sings or plays...

All but one will give away...that is string...namely violin and viola...violin is more common so mostly is violinist...hehe...and what is the prove or the sign? well...the kiss of the violin...pianist and guitarist and drummer all can hide their musicianship except violinist...they are 'curse' with the kiss of the violin...is under their chin on the neck slightly on the left...a mark...black or dark...a symbol of prolong usage of violin...those who practice daily or frequently will have that mark...and it will stay there for quite a long time...only vanish after months of not practising the violin...

Violin is a wonderful instrument...just like a guitar...it can also be carried around and have a performance by the street just like that...the only thing about violin is that sometimes it can be quite annoying...when played out of tune...lolz...you wouldnt want that...unless you want to torture someone...use this method...they will surely surrender...keke


Happy New Year...the old has gone and the new has come...whatcha gonna do about it?

No matter what it is...be it to better yourself, improve on certain areas, setting goals and targets, just live your life 'meaningfully'...life goes on!!