Monday, January 12, 2009

A Prison Life

Cant believe it after all the hardship i have been think that coming here to further my tertiary education only to shatter my hopes and dreams...

Uni life...we..err...i am showered with scenario of what campus life would be...strolling at the park during the afternoon under the shady tree...'picnicking' under the tree with friends while discussing about homework and stuff...having cool classrooms...more like lecture halls...looking 'down' on the lecturer while he talk nonsense and non-stop in front the board...while ppl around are sleeping or doing something...stuff like that...ahh...i can dream cant i?

Guess what...sorry the malaysian all to good to be true...yes...there will be lecturers and yes...trees all around but none of what i mention was true...welcome to malaysian university....MIND YOU THIS ONLY APPLY TO MY UNI!!!

Rules and regulation is part and parcel of life...there is no such thing as no rule...then chaos will reign...but the rules and regulation here is just too much...i thougth that by coming here i can run from the secondary system and their rules...such as uniform, appearance and stuff like that...and to think to go 'overseas' into a new world and environment meeting new friends from all over malaysia...only to relive the same system? De Javu all over again...i was informed that colleges and uni should be less strict in this part...but to have long hair...err...stylish hair, fingernails stuff like that also get fined...i was speechless...

The only different from secondary is that the prefect is changed with guards...full grown man...and demerit system change to fines...they think we carry pot of gold? Fine us for no special reason...even matrix card not present on are fine...what logic is that? you dont hang your ID card on your body and the police gives you fine for not they?

Well...we live in a multi-racial country...but minority is still a minority...we dont have much say...if you know what i live in harmony we have to sacrifice even sometimes it hurts to do so...what to do? LIVE GOES ON!™ Studies, food, culture, and others even we are of all races and religion...we have to stick to one...and by saying so you know what i mean...i wont go furthur from here...

This post is not to bad-mouthed the uni and the system...just for me to lament and to enlighten those around me and ppl who read this about the things i am going through right now...i guess all those uni life only happen outside this country as the uni and the system is being chained by the laws of is not the uni's fault either...

Rules and regulation like i say is part and parcel of take that away means chaos and i wont say it rules to have no rules...but some are just pure nonsense...only to burden us...the ppl involve should really reconsider them...

In life we are normally taught not to only look at the bad side but also the benefit gain from what you of them is the midnight rule...where everyone must be in campus before midnight or possibly receive 'love letter' from the sux to have a curfew after we are now consider adults...young adults but the good side to it is that to me that is...if there is any activity outside campus...and i am tired or not enjoying it...i will always have a reason to 'leave' because of midnight...just like Cinderella...

I have more to say but it will take ages to write everything down...from the things i hate about the rules to the one i like...if there is even one...but i just want to say that is not all fun and party in uni life...inside campus anyway...but when you are outside and mix with that 'kind' of friends...your life will never be the same...haha...this 4 years is the time you do something big for yourself...after that you are ******


Lionel Lam Song Poh said... it really that bad? hahaha!

SunSeT said...

Dont complain la, when you graduated you might miss it. hahahahahha!~