Monday, November 3, 2008

Finals Are Here

This week will be my Finals in UTM...busy times i might say...this shows that the culture of studying last minute is still around and everywhere...not many i dare say study in advance to prepare for the exam..most of us only study when we feel the"pressure" mounting and when the exam is knocking on our doors...apart from that, we play, we do sports, we hang out, but none will have any relation with the subjects :P

So it is true that we are too exam-based where the government, parents and society focus too much upon our grades that they fail to see the true nature of gain knowledge...this is very sad because grades are the culprit for making us dumb and "empty" inside...just to pass we study then we forget once is over...what is the point?

To be knowledgeable in something which ends up getting average one will notice you because your knowledge is overshadowed by your why bother right? Grades come first then the knowledge comes later...think about you life, your choice ;)


Lionel Lam Song Poh said...

yo mund~~,take it easy la..

SunSeT said...

hiHIHI! TEddy Hoe :p Just try to look beyond what you see :P look what you will get when you go through it :p This is just a moment of will gain lots when you get through it :P Ganbateh! Axa Axa Baxia :P MSL :P